Selasa, 14 Februari 2012



When we talk about philosophy and religion, of course, we think if there is a relationship between the two? Is not it contrary to the philosophy and religion? Because, as we know the understanding between philosophy and religion are different. Philosophy comes from the Greek word "philosophia", which comes from the word "philo" meaning love and "Sophos" which means wisdom, thus philosophy means love of wisdom or love of knowledge. While the teaching of religion is belief in God. So what to do with the philosophy of religion? And what is the importance of philosophy to religion?

Al Kindi said that knowledge is divided into two kinds of Divine Science as stated in the Qur'an that the Prophet gained firsthand knowledge of God. This basic knowledge is belief. And the second is human science or a philosophy, which basically is the idea (ratio-reason). The arguments set forth in the Qur’an there is no doubt at all in it and is more convincing than the arguments posed by philosophy. But the truth is brought between the religion or the Qur’an in this revelation is not contrary to the philosophy. So the study of philosophy and philosophizing is not prohibited or is not related in the religion because theology is a part of philosophy.

Philosophy in the way it works opposite of reason, whereas the opposite of religious revelation. Therefore, a lot to do with religion much thought as related to the experience. Philosophy in order to discuss something that is measured to see the truth, whether something is logical or not. Religion is not always measured in terms of logical truth because religion is sometimes paid little attention to its logical aspect.

However, people philosophize as we know because of the three impulse, that is the truth, doubt, and awareness of limitations. Though the religion should be no doubt and belief in religion is based on the absolute. But in the theology of Islam, we learn about the Essence and the nature of God with the existence of all possible, start with regard to problems of the world until after the death of a problem based on the doctrine of Islam. So the emphasis eventually resulted in a philosophical science of divinity.

From the explanations above, we get an understanding that the philosophy and religion is associated, as we will discuss the philosophy of revelation, sending messengers and prophets, the divine, the human spirit, eternal life, human relationships with God, about crime, about the second life after living in the world, and so forth, and those things are critical and analytical discussion to express the truth of religious teachings, or to explain what religion teaches that it is possible and not contrary to logic. Although both are very different because it aims to seek the truth of philosophy, and religion a lot of talk about the human relationship with God.

Al Kindi also argued that the object of philosophy is studied physics, mathematics, and science of divinity. And basically the philosophy that learning all there is including religion, that religion is one of the abstract objects and the study of philosophy that studies the physical and metaphysical aspects of religion.
However, most people think that philosophy is an activity that is misleading, there are some cases when one person's philosophy that seeking truth of God, and do not trust the revelation, and in the end these people do not believe in the existence of God and became an atheist. Because of the religious philosophy there are two possibilities that will happen, that person will change or lose his belief in God or a growing belief in God. However, we need to emphasize here, we philosophize about religion to prove that religion is obtained through the revelation is true and it is not impossible. On the basis of thought to prove the truth about religion and God surely we will not err.
Philosophy in the development and understanding of religion can be seen from the science of kalam theology or the study of divinity, in the theology of Islam many schools of theology as Jabariyah and Qadariyah. Islamic theology is very important in how we understand the intent embodied in the form of the word of God's revelation of the Qur'an, but it can be proved in a rational and based on the logic that makes sense. So that we can develop to its full potential with the religious philosophy of seeking the truths in terms of divinity, revelation, and the teachings brought by the prophets and apostles. To avoid any error in defining and interpreting the word of God's revelation,

We can also see from the history, the development and understanding of Islam, Islam emerged philosophers who developed the science of divinity, revelation, prophets and the Prophet, and the teachings pertaining to Islam. For example, Al Kindi, Al Farabi, Al Ghazali, etc.. They have a variety of insights and understandings they are very beneficial to the development of Islam in those days and the results of their thinking can still be utilized in the present in religious education.

Because, in Islam men are created to be a caliph in the earth, and to be a human being on earth caliph required to always think. And we know that based on the philosophy of thought reasonable, and indeed the people were given reason to think. Resulting in the development of religion required a mind, so that philosophy in education aims to:

1. A. With a philosophy to think someone could be a human being, better educate and build self-
2. A person can be someone who can think his own
3. Provide the foundations of knowledge, provide a synthesis of all knowledge as well so that is an integral
4. Life is led by the knowledge possessed by the person. Therefore knowing the most basic knowledge means knowing the basics of life yourself
5. For an educator philosophy because philosophy has special interests that provide the basics of other sciences are about people such as pedagogy.

Thus, the development of Islamic education, the philosophy used to analyze and criticize the methods used in education, so that religious education be constantly evolving. And also the philosophy used to guide and create the means and methods appropriate and effective for the development and understanding of religion itself.

Not only that, in terms of religious practice philosophy can also be utilized. Because as we all know one of the goals is to live one's philosophy of education is led by the knowledge possessed by such person. Therefore know the most basic knowledges means knowing the basics of life itself. It is religion and of philosophy we can practice all of what we know about religion in order to run the lives of yourself and also for others. Of philosophizing we know what is right, and wrong in the interpretation of the divine science, revelation, prophets and the Prophet, as well as issues relating to the religion itself, so that in a religious practice that we can utilize our knowledge of philosophy can be maximally .

In any religious practice we can use philosophy in the matter of worship, first when the time of the Prophet when the Muslims want to run the fifth pillar of Islam is the Hajj, Muslims flocked to the House with riding camels, and today when philosophy evolved through science and technologies that are in Indonesia we do not need to worry how to go to the House, because we can use airplanes and more time saving and efficient. Because as we all know, Islam is a religion that is flexible and universal, and not rigid and evolve with the times. But all the development and practice of religion is not done arbitrarily and without stem from the Quran and Al-Hadith, but always associated with God's revelation.

In religion we also know the term ijtihad, in which the process of ijtihad was also based on the idea and it should be done with the thought process. Ijtihad is the outpouring of all abilities to get something. Namely the use of reason as hard as possible to find something specific legal decisions that are not specified explicitly in the Qur'an and as-Sunnah. Ijtihad made by people who truly understand the Qur'an and Sunnah. So that the explanation of the ijtihad we can know that the philosophy is very involved in religious practice in this regard in the determination of Shari'a law.

From the explanations of philosophy, religion, and the relationship of philosophy to religion in the understanding, development, and practice of religion can we draw a conclusion that the understanding or philosophy is one thing more important to understand the problems of the divine, revelation, prophets and the Prophet, and issues of other religions. But we need to emphasize once again our philosophy to prove religious truths in a logical, rather than searching for those truths because it will have disastrous error.

By : Diana Irma Safitri

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